Total: Aviation fuel
Aviation fuel
We provide Aviation Turbine Kerosene (also called Jet A-1). Total Eritrea is the leading marketer of Jet-A1 in Eritrea with state of the Art facilities in Massawa and into plane refueling services in Asmara Airport. Our involvement in this business of Aviation fuel is backed up with the expertise of Air total to ensure that quality requirement is not compromised. It is worthy to note that ever since Total Eritrea started marketing this product no incident of product quality has been recorded. This is solely because we ensure that the product quality is maintained and its source is certifiable and traceable at all times.
The monitoring body in the industry is known as JIG which is a committee of all major marketers of the product and the airline representative like IATA. The checklist requirement is that the product quality remains unchanged from the refinery to the aircraft and that its source remains known throughout the chain of transfers from the refinery to the aircraft. This is referred to in the industry as traceability.